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 Cybersofia a Cipro (1)

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V I S U A L I Z Z A    D I S C U S S I O N E
Biuso Inserito il - 03/04/2004 : 15:46:01
Il prossimo giugno si terrà a Cipro an arts and culture conference and festival dal titolo Cyborgs and Cultural Systems.
Molto interessante (anche dal punto di vista grafico) è il sito di presentazione dell’iniziativa: http://www.emu.edu.tr/elh/index_conference.html
Il programma (in formato zip e quindi scaricabile dal sito) prevede relazioni e incontri di questo genere:

Cyborg Body: From Golem to Blade Runner
Antonio Gramsci and the Spontaneous Subaltern
Near Death: Modernist Responses to Mortality
Translating the Other World: Fin-de-siècle Spiritualism and the Search for the Perfect Language
Mystical Rhetorics of Silence
Young Nietzsche’s Use of Musical ‘Prototyping’
The Mysterious Moment: Early Dada Performance as Ritual
Edmund Husserl and Kazimir Malevich as Theorists of the Avant-Garde
Seeing Things in Peter Greenaway’s The Pillow Book
Biblical Roots of the Discourse of Mass Destruction in Las Casas’ Devastation of the Indies

Ed ecco la presentazione dell’iniziativa:

The term "cyborg" (cybernetic organism) was originally coined by Clynes and Kline in 1960 to characterize a self-regulating complex entity made up of interacting electrical/mechanical and human systems-as distinct from "robot," which was derived by Capek in 1923 from a Czech word meaning "drudgery," and which still today describes a non-sentient machine performing tasks set and ultimately controlled by a human being.
However, since the publication of Donna J. Haraway's "Manifesto for Cyborgs" in 1985, the cyborg has evolved-in disciplines as diverse as literature, film, sociology, cybernetics, and medicine-into a figure and a trope of hybridity. As such, it interrogates and/or collapses the differences between the sentient and the non-sentient, the human and the non-human; it engages and undoes a wide range of binary oppositions from Cartesian dualism to culturally coded distinctions of gender, class, and race; and it exemplifies the breaching of boundaries and frontiers in social, ethical, legal and technological issues from disability to genetic engineering to computer privacy.
We invite proposals for a Panel Discussion aimed at extending current concepts of the cyborg, and exploring the ramifications of the interaction between human beings and their socio-cultural, technological, and biological environments.


La filosofia è la musica più grande. (Platone)
1   U L T I M E    R I S P O S T E    (in alto le più recenti)
dval Inserito il - 04/04/2004 : 21:29:47
Se al momenti di entrare il lista per la tesi il prof Tanteri sarà d'accordo ( e lo saprò a giugno quando gli parlerò) lavori di questo tipo mi saranno utili. Il mio intento sarebbe di trattare, dal punto di vista delle sue manifestazioni letterarie, dell'eterno desiderio dell'uomo di rubare il fuoco agli dei, di creare la vita,sia che si tratti di golem o cyborg, che sia il Buzzati de "Il grande ritratto" o il "Frankestain" di Shelley.

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